Multi- Cloud and Data Cloud Cost Governance and Optimisation

Eliminate Wasteful Spending, Reduce Carbon Footprint, Ship Efficient code, and Innovate Profitably over the cloud.



Average Time it takes for Digiusher to pay for itself


Average Cost Savings above and beyond traditional cost management


Total Cloud Spend Management Digiusher manages today

Complete cloud cost management solution with Digiusher

  • Visualise your spend: By consolidating your cloud spending data and utilizing Digiusher’s advanced analytics and optimization tools, you proactively enhance cost efficiency and increase the ROI of your cloud initiatives. 
  • Enrich your spend: By integrating cloud providers and services into Digiusher, Digiusher delivers comprehensive cost breakdowns for individual resources and provides unparalleled visibility into cloud spending at a granular level.
  • Allocate 100% of your spend: Digiusher simplifies the process of cost categorization, establishing itself as the ultimate showback solution. This allows for precise allocation of expenses to departments, projects, or teams, facilitating transparent cost attribution and effective showback practices.
  • Optimise costs: Identify cloud waste and anomalies, and receive rightsizing recommendations to optimize your spending across the entire cloud landscape.

All your Costs in ONE place

Combine all your costs to get a single view for all sources
of cloud spend.

Drive Efficient Engineering With Cloud Cost Intelligence

Empower your engineers the cost data they need, when they need it, to build and maintain profitable software and applications — that sets your firm up for sustainable growth.

“We’ve discovered that Digiusher can help wherever you are on the Finops journey – as you progress, Digiusher will provide the right tools at the right time.”

Bharath Gupta, Delivery Head, Absolute Labs

“Our investment in Digiusher paid off quickly- we covered its cost within days and achieved a 150% ROI within the first week!”

Sid Mudgal, CTO, DealFlow

“I can now put my business metrics and application metrics on top of my usage so that I can understand immediately the efficiency of my cloud spend.”

Anupam Ratha, Founder, Credio