How long does it take to get started with Digiusher?

You can connect to the Digiusher platform in minutes and start seeing value right away. While some special projects may require you to provide us with data, generally getting started requires very little effort. From there, it only takes a few hours to uncover additional metrics. We also provide Cloudformation and Terraform scripts that usher in onboarding swiftly. The detailed documentation can be found from the application portal.

How much does Digiusher cost?

Digiusher uses a tiered pricing model that’s steady, predictable, and won’t vary year to year. Unlike other cloud cost products, we don’t charge monthly overages — so, if your spend spikes one month, your price stays the same.

Can Digiusher handle data from [insert cost source]?

Always yes. While Digiusher can ingest and unify data from any IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS provider, we currently support Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Databricks and Alibaba Cloud. We then convert it all into a common data model and present it in a single pane of glass.

Will Digiusher help optimize my cloud infrastructure?

Yes. Digiusher provides both automated and human-identified insights that point you to cost-inefficient cloud infrastructure, and show you how to realize savings.

Can Digiusher show me a metric like cost per customer?

Yes. Our platform can calculate the costs per pool including cost per customer, per team. The roadmap involves Dynamic Cost Allocation feature that we expect to release towards late year, 2024.

Will you alert me if my spend unexpectedly spikes?

Yes. Digiusher’s anomaly detection alerts the relevant engineers during abnormal spend events, guiding them directly to the affected resources.

I want to run my own analysis on Digiusher’s data. Is that possible?

Yes. Digiusher has BI Export functionality whereby you can export the data and use it with any of your current favourite existing tools including Tableau, etc. thereby, letting customers slice and dice our data however they want, creating visualizations and reports related to specific cost goals.

Will you help me get up and running in the platform?

Of course! Every Digiusher customer is assigned a dedicated Success Manager who will implement prescriptive best practices and provide continuous consultation for your cloud infrastructure. Your Success Manager will also conduct monthly check-in meetings, organize executive business reviews, and offer ongoing technical support.

Do you offer a free trial?

For qualified accounts, we offer a free trial where you can experience the power and capabilities of Digiusher’s cost intelligence platform. Get in touch with us here to inquire about setting up a free trial.

We are a large regulatory client and are prefer the Digiusher solution to be hosted in our cloud environment. Can Digiusher support it?

Yes. Digiusher support the deployment of the solution in the customer’s cloud environment. Alternatively, we can also manage a dedicated tenant just for you. Get in touch with us here to inquire.